Scoring Points
Earn Points Each time a player in your team performs an act on the field that is captured by one of the 13 statistical attributes used in this game, you earn the associated points. These are calculated after each round of play is complete, usually on the day following the final game of the round. Keep in mind that you must have had a full roster with 12 players selected for the round, otherwise you default and no scoring will be applied for that round. Additional to this, it is possible to earn bonus points each round. If the total number of tries scored by your squad in a given round is high enough, then bonus points are awarded. Try Bonuses 100 points - 3 or 4 tries scored 200 points - 5 or more tries scored
Game Statistics The statistics used to measure player performance have been developed to capture the overall worth of each player in the live games. Apart from scrums and lineouts, as noted below, the stats are only awarded where the action is clearly attributable to an individual player. In many cases awarding a statistic to a player requires a degree of value judgment by our statisticians. Our aim here is to rule in a consistent manner and in the spirit of the definitions listed. TOP