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Business Registration South Africa 8 views 0 Images
08 August 2018 by idealbusiness
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For Business Registration South Africa then idealbusiness.co.za is the ideal one stop place that you need to be. Our services are very cheap and for that case making them affordable for you to register the business. All of our services are offered on the online platform thus allowing you to easily access anything that you want without any hustle. Looking for any company related services. We do offer a wide range of services when it comes to business registration which includes; CIPC Services, South Africa Revenue Service, CIDB Services and Work’s Men Compensation.
The cidb registration online is a common service that we do offer on our platform. CIDB is very important for each and every company. That is why when looking for one then here at our online platform we do have exactly what you are looking for. We do work for both the private and public sector. For CIDB Registration you can log in on our online platform and fill in the online forms and submit them so that it can be processed. Once your company has been registered it can now start working on contract and applying for tenders that are being offered. We also integrate the registration with the I-Tender services. The CIDB is also very critical in determining your financial capability when you are applying for the tenders in South Africa.
The other common service that you can get from our online platform is the import and Export License South Africa. If your business deals with exporting and importing of goods either for personal or commercial reasons then it’s a must that you have a permit. Under this registration you will be provided with a permit that will be able to deliver that for you. The major requirements for this service include a bank account, bee certificate application, company certificate and the Copy of ID for the director.
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